
A Moving Sale and A Singing Dog

Getting the Airstream ready is only part of the prep work happening around here.  Dan and I both want to live with less stuff and have the freedom to take our home with us, should we choose to travel or move again.  Read more about that story here.  This involves sorting through everything we own, selling or giving away 95% of it, and keeping what we love and use most.  It's been anything but easy. 

I still had some furniture and things in my house for staging while my house was on the market.  With the sale of my house (hooray!), it all needed to go.  Our wonderful Baltimore friends helped us sell/give away a lot of my remaining "stuff"  before I closed on the sale this week.   It was a bittersweet goodbye. 

We filled two trucks and a car with donations to the thrift store.  It's a win-win for me :) I even got a collection of coupons for future thrifting!  These will be put to good use for my thrifted capsule wardrobe.  

Also, I got a harmonica at Christmas (thanks Dan!).  Not only is this a super fun, pocket sized instrument, it will be perfect for  our nights around the campfire.  Luna's helping me practice.